GEJ Foundation - Promoting Peace and Properity
About Us

Our Core Values

Transparency and accountability, Equity & Fairness, Respect, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Independence, Professionalism.

Our Vision

Peaceful, Just and Progressive Nations of Africa

Our Mission

To forge a continent where we understand our differences and work towards a perfect union founded on transparency, equity and justice


Years of experience


citizens to actively participate in various levels of elections and contribute to violence free elections in Africa


Empower 20,000 African women and youths with livelihood skills and starter packs


Contribute to raising 10,000 detribalised and emotionally resilient African children

Latest News
Decmocracy and Elections Women and Youth Empowerment
Jonathan urges African leaders to tackle instability with inclusion, economic empowerment

Former President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan has advised African leaders to prioritise inclusion and economic empowerment as a means of ensuring political stability and sustainable development.

Decmocracy and Elections Peace and Security
Jonathan leads WAEF to observe Ghana elections, urges peace

A delegation of the West African Elders Forum (WAEF) observation mission led by former Nigerian president, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan on Wednesday arrived in Accra ahead of the December 7, 2027, general elections.

Decmocracy and Elections Peace and Security
Jonathan, other W/African elders task electoral commission, security on Ghana elections

Former President of Nigeria and chairman of the West African Elders’ Forum (WAEF) Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has called on Ghana’s Electoral Commission

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